The future of our earth depends on the small and large actions we decide to take together day after day.
We believe in a digital evolution capable not only of improving the way we live but also of bequeathing a more sustainable world to future generations.
beanTech has installed a new photovoltaic system within its premises, 100 kw in Udine and 34 kw in Mestre, respectively, in order to increase the level of self-generation of its energy needs.
Awareness of the Planet’s water resources and its supply are issues close to our hearts, so beanTech has made purified water dispensers available to all employees at all locations.
Garbage collection is a daily practice that involves all people accessing beanTech locations, so we help reduce environmental impact by responsibly managing waste within all locations by sorting according to waste material.
beanTech has partnered with the company Re-Cig by setting up areas for smoker points where cigarette butts are collected in special ashtrays and then processed into plastic material (cellulose acetate) that will be used to produce new items.
Working remotely for beanTech not only means more reconciliation of work and private life for our employees, but also decreasing each person’s commute and thus decreasing fossil fuel emissions from the home-office commute.
To extend the life of electronic devices used within the company, the beanTech technical department undertakes to disassemble each device into its various components and reuse those that are useful for new purposes, while the remainder are disposed of as salvage following WEEE 8 (waste electrical and electronic equipment) codes.
All shipments and procurement of goods are managed by the beanTech purchasing department by trying to optimize trips, providing as few routes as possible with a view to reducing CO2 emissions.