Location Analytics: enhance mobility data

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Data Analytics
Location Analytics: enhance mobility data

Location Analytics gives value to the geographical component of the data, allowing companies to integrate their Business Analytics activities and to make more "informed", effective and efficient decisions with a view to optimizing processes.

Everything that regards business exists in a particular time and place. For this reason, companies must be able to understand the behavior and reactions of consumers in different positions, in order to increasingly meet their expectations and provide the necessary products and services.

Most companies, however, still do not capitalize on this wealth of georeferenced data, or do not integrate spatial analysis into their traditional business analytics activities.

Location Analytics can be defined as the ability to extract insights, trends and business-relevant information from location data. Cross-referencing company data with geolocation and, subsequently, analyzing this data means knowing how to exploit an enormous further opportunity in terms of business.

Motion Analytica, the innovative SME founded in 2018 as a spin-off of beanTech, has made the concept of Location Analytics its own.

The main objective is to analyze the movement of people and things to offer its customers customized solutions based on data. 

By enhancing customer data, together with those of partners from the world of telecommunications, financial institutions and social media, Motion Analytica is able to provide data science skills and technological solutions to analyze people and things “in motion” in the following areas: 


Support in the management of public and private mobility, with detailed origin-destination insights, from national to local.


Thanks to the combination of telecommunications with other sources (social networks, spending power) it is possible to have full visibility of the tourism sector.


Comprehensive insights into who visits a store and when, how much they spend and what they buy, where they come from, where else they visit and how they experience the site.


Manage your event, understand the audience, connect the event with the territory and plan for people flows and attendance.

Harness the power of advanced data analytics and AI to drive a new way of understanding human MOBILITY.


Mobility analysis improves the planning and management of transport services, basing them on real demand, the planning and management of tourist services, analyzing in detail what happens in the area, and communication and loyalty strategies, using a data-driven approach. Increase the satisfaction of your customers and correctly direct your investments.

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