The specialties guaranteed by the PDO and PGI brands represent an invaluable heritage, on a national and community scale. The need to protect these typical products starts from the critical concept of traceability of the supply chain, from the origin to the consumer.
Protection consortiums and regulating bodies are the figures that characterize these supply chains: their task is to protect producers and consumers, on the one hand guaranteeing product authenticity and legislation compliance, whilst on the other promoting their image inside and outside national borders.
Modern information tools represent a valid support to the needs of all components involved. Therefore, the need to speed up the acquisition of information, validate it with respect to the prescription of the production specification, as well as implement logics that guarantee product authenticity right up to the shelf today find a solid and convincing answer in new technologies.
The goal is to ensure maximum product traceability along the supply chain, to protect producers and consumers.
CERTIFICA modules are perfectly integrated with each other
The aim is to achieve the result of a unique information heritage.
The value of the solution
CERTIFICA allows the control body to:
- Avoid system fraud;
- Delegate the entry of information;
- Dematerialize document flows;
- Support your supervisory process;
- Check the placing of PDO and PGI products on the market using unique serial numbers.
CERTIFICA allows the consortium to:
- Plan and monitor production (manufacturer/sector);
- Involve the consumer and capitalize on their marketing investments;
- Trace your products with unique serial numbers, as a greater guarantee of their authenticity;
- Optimize and streamline the daily operations of its supervisory staff;
- Have clear and intuitive analyzes’ related to core processes.
Find out how CERTIFICA can support you along the entire chain of specialties guaranteed by the PDO and PGI brands .
We're at your service
or you can call us at +39 0432 889787